Stacey & Scott Wilson.
These are my two children, Scott (now aged 55) and Stacey (now aged 36).
Yes, I understand that that is a long time between children, but there you have it: a son who was going off to college when he learned that his parents were having a second child.
I still remember Scott looking at the sonogram of the sister then residing in my 42-year-old womb. He was unsure of the sex and said, “Oh, great! I can throw a football at him!”
I said, “At HER.”
So, Stacey Kristin Corcoran Wilson joined our family in 1987 and we would be poorer for it if she had not.
Scott (and his wife and twins Ava & Elise, now aged 14), reside in Austin, Texas, as of this writing, and we all—minus Stacey— had a family dinner last night.

(L to R) Scott, Stacey, Connie, Ava, Jessica, Elise, Craig.
Meanwhile we are eagerly awaiting Stacey’s arrival for the Christmas holiday, but her duties as a flight attendant for SW airlines will take precedence until she can break free and join us. During the pandemic we all hunkered down in Austin (Stacey normally resides in Nashville) and it was a wonderful treat to have my original nuclear family all together for an extended stay because, keep in mind, Scott was raised as an only child until he left for college and Stacey came along after that (and went off to college, herself, in 2005).December 19th Thoughts on the Passing
So, it is almost 20 years since my nuclear family expanded to one son and one daughter and I couldn’t be happier that I have one of each.
Gained a new grand niece today (Ruthie Kay Wilson) when nephew Michael Wilson and Rachel in St. Louis had a brand new baby girl, who will grow up alongside Winnie Wilson, age 2, the daughter of Megan and Aaron Eddy,
Welcome to the world, Ruthie Kay!