Christmas, 2023, has come and gone.
The daughter has just left for the airport, to fly back to Nashville and, from there, to Chicago for work with SW. She will check on the status of my Chicago digs (and the weather).
Her father was driving her, attired in a pair of shorts and used sandals that he got as a gag gift for Christmas.

Christmas, 2023.
As has become my custom, I concentrated on primarily gift cards: Amazon, Ulta, Walgreen’s, the Cheesecake Factory, Alamo Drafthouse, Long John Steakhouse, B.J.’s Steakhouse, Lowe’s, Chik Fil A—the list goes on. When you have a family member who has to fly out with the presents, gift cards make a lot of sense, When you have two fourteen-year-old twins, it is folly to think you will “get it right” if you are the one doing the picking,
A few key gifts were purchased, as requested—boots, a coat for the daughter, a Texas Hook ‘Em Horns shirt, a water pik, a cover for my Ipad to replace on that gave up the ghost, a flannel nightgown for the few really cold nights here in the Lone Star State.
Games were played following a sumptuous feast of prime rib (prepared beautifully by the son), cheesy potatoes, creamed peas, green bean casserole, and a tasty dessert prepared by CostCo. We even had home-made ice cream from the brand new ice cream maker!

Christmas, 2022. (L to R) Scott, Stacey, Connie, Ava, Jessica, Elise, Craig.
I primarily feel grateful that the daughter’s close brush with an EF-3 tornado in Madison, Tennessee, was as minimal as it turned out, because it was truly a terrifying event.
I am happy that the son and wife and daughters will be able to spend some quality time with her Mom and family in Brownsville, celebrating the New Year. (We will celebrate with Anderson Cooper and Andy and miss our friends the DeJonghes and euchre.)
Euchre was played at son Scott’s house, along with Code Names, poker, Wheel of Fortune (a new board game), and Sequence and various clips from stand-up comics were enjoyed.
It was a lovely Christmas. Here’s to an equally festive New Year’s Eve and a better 2024 than 2023!