"Laughing through Life:" enough laughs to keep you from yawning.

With the recent release (as a paperback) of “Laughing through Life” and the various anecdotes that make up this stroll down memory lane, I felt it apropos to share with you an amusing anecdote that is similar to those in this book

Here’s a new one for you. My nephew’s 4-year-old daughter, Sophia, decided to do a header by shoving her tiny body through a play tube that was never meant to hold a 4-year-old. She did a tremendous “clunk” to the  floor below, where she immediately moaned and began crying. (Fortunately, she landed on a carpeted surface).


Her father and mother, Chris and D.J.,  ran to her side and asked her if she was “Ok” and did it hurt.


She was crying intermittently and then looked up at us and said, “It hurts all the way to God.”

[Out of the mouths of Babes. OR from “Laughing through Life!” (Try it, you’ll like it!)]