You may notice an unfortunate lack of accompanying pictures for my upcoming three-day trip to Las Vegas (March 29 – April 1). I am boarding a plane (from Chicago) at the crack of dawn on Saturday and winging my way west to the city that never sleeps. (Or is that New York City?)

     As I sit here in Chicago, there is a nasty combination of snow/rain and something resembling sleet being dumped upon the city. I am watching it obscure all view of Lake Michigan, and I’ll just bet that the workers across the street working in the Central Station developments of the South Loop are really happy to be working in a semi-blizzard (she said, facetiously).

    I have plans (or perhaps I should say “had”) to walk to the Field Museum tonight for “Members Night.” If this keeps up, there will be no walking…only driving.

     In just a few moments I have to leave the safe, comfy confines of my condo to go feed my son’s cat. Usually, I do this in the evening, but the aforementioned “Members’ Night” at the Field Museum will make it impossible to feed the cat in the evening. <sigh>

     I an addition to anticipating the warmer climate and great good fun of Las Vegas (I have tickets for Spamalot and Tom Jones), I am looking forward to getting out of this unpredictable and not-that-pleasant weather. My college-age daughter in Nashville (Tennessee) tells me it is seventy degrees there and she is going canoeing. There will be no canoeing anywhere near Chicago on this blustery, wintery-looking day!

     I spent parts of the past week producing Horror Flash Fiction for a contest (under 500 words). All were rejected, but I remain happy in the knowledge that, soon, I will be going to a WARM place.

      Since I am not taking my computer with me to Las Vegas, I will not be posting until April 1st (not a long time…only 3 days without me, and others will carry on in my absence), so I am going to post my horrifying 500-word Flash Fiction piece entitled, “Konerak: New Age Zombie.” It’s pretty horrifying, if I do say so myself.

     I would say, “Enjoy,” but that seems like the wrong term for a zombie Flash Fiction piece.

     More on Vegas later; happy reading!