Madison, Tennessee Tornado of December 10th.
We received a phone call about 5 p.m. from our daughter, Stacey, in Madison, Tennessee, on December 10th; she was absolutely terrified. Her terror was justified. The EF-3 tornado that struck Nashville went right over/past her house. It was pitch black. She doesn’t really have a basement, but only a crawl space. She was huddled in the tub with the neighbor’s cat, whom she has dubbed “Squeaky.”
She sent the attached picture of the street next door (Nesbitt Lane) to her small home in Madison, TN, which she has only been in for a brief time. I’m not sure I’ve ever received a more stressful phone call. Three people died in Madison on Nesbitt Lane. When you get a phone call like that it’s like talking to someone on a plane that is crashing. We talked to her throughout the ordeal (no power for 3 days) and she says “it’s crazy here.”

Madison, TN, Dec. 10 Tornado
I had seen that this storm was (possibly) going to hit both Memphis and Nashville while doing my nightly Wordle, Spelling Bee, Connections and Quordle night time ritual, so I wrote her about the horrible weather that, it said, was going to start outside Houston and then cross the Midwest in a sort of diagonal before heading out East.
I always try to pass these nuggets along to her because she is always traveling for work as a flight attendant, and I am always trying to find out if the weather is likely to be a bad thing for her work day. They had predicted 40 million people would be affected by flooding in cities like New York and Philadelphia. So, I was not unaware of this Monster Storm (as they termed it on the late night news summary) but you never know if our children are paying as much attention to mundane stuff like weather as I am.

Tornado in Madison, Tennessee.
nyway, she was really upset, and with good cause. The air became pitch black and the wind did damage to her singles and her chimney.
Take a look at the street next door to her Heritage Drive location in Madison, TN, which is to the North and East of Nashville. (We visited her there in September for the Nashville Film Festival.) Her house appears to have escaped serious damage, although the new grill we bought her when we were on Nashville was pushed all the way across her small deck and the umbrella fell on a potted plant and broke. Six people were killed in Madison.
Stacey says there are giant trees down everywhere and no access to the Interstate and her recycling bin went all the way to the end of the street and it was full of stuff. Stacey went to her friend Kayla’s house, which had power, and for whom she was cat-sitting. However, after arriving at Kayla’s house, Kayla’s house lost power. The street lights were all out. She said her house is like a dead zone: she cannot send calls. All regular cell towers must be down.
It rained there until 11 p.m. Sunday. Nesbitt Lane, near her house, is just rubble and the Home Depot that Stacey and Craig shopped at during our trip, for the grill (etc.) was hit hard.
Very scary.