by Tom Ware

christmasbook-012I am a loyal Louis L’Amour fan, normally, but I volunteered to read and review Connie (Corcoran) Wilson’s and Michael McCarty’s new novel Out of Time. The novel is billed as a sci-fi thriller romance. One would-be reader who enjoys science fiction did not feel the book was as much science fiction (as the cover would suggest). She felt it was more a  thriller and a romance.

I enjoyed the change of pace this suspenseful tale offered, and found the author inserted many references to current events.  The novel held my interest.   It has chapters of varying lengths, each chapter introduced by poetry, some of it original, some of it from famous poets. The characters were believable, with events that I felt bordered on the advertised science fiction, as it included reference to time travel.

Connie Corcoran Wilson and Michael McCarty seem to be capable authors, and I would read another of their novels.  They seem to have done their research, and took a chance on creating original song lyrics to enhance the novel and introduce each chapter. (Much  of the original poetry was from Ms. Wilson’s second book Both Sides Now, where you may remember having seen  it previously)

A quick read and an interesting storyline, with some unanswered questions by novel’s end.