Tourist ferry (think “Funny Girl”) on the Hudson River.
Attended ThrillerFest in New York City, July 10-14. Left for O’Hare at 8 AM on Wednesday for an 11 AM flight. First plane had mechanical difficulties; was canceled at 12:30. Second and third flights: weather-related cancellations. Spent TWELVE HOURS at O’Hare Airport. My luggage went on ahead. The women behind me had play tickets for that night, which they did not get to use.

The Hudson River from the Sky Line, Thursday, July 11, 2013.
Went back to my condo and to bed. Got 5 hours of sleep, got up at 3 a.m. and called for a cab at 4 a.m. Made the 6:00 a.m. flight to LaGuardia, where luggage was piled up everywhere from canceled flights. Found my 2 checked bags and made it to the hotel by 10:30 a.m.

Chelsea Market, NYC, July 11, 2013.
No hot water in Room 1959. Took a bath and washed my hair in cold water in order to attend the 11:50 a.m. luncheon, followed by pitching sessions. (Lunch: chicken, asparagus, apricot tort dessert and salad). Light would not turn off overhead lights, so slept with the lights on for 2 nights. (Desk finally figured out their weird faceplates—not normal ones—were really not working.)

New York City, July 11, 2013.
Spoke with Tony Eldridge and several agent folks. There were 550 other people present, and I was mainly interested in re-meeting Tony, who asked me to write a synopsis of THE COLOR OF EVIL series and send it on.

Eileen and George Laszlo and me.
That night, George and Eileen Laszlo met me at the hotel and we walked along the “High Line” area where I took most of these pictures. We ended up on a boat-turned-bar-and-restaurant and chatted. Fascinating people! George was actually a Hungarian refugee and Eileen has Iowa roots in Fairfax, Iowa (near Cedar Rapids) where my nephew John Castelein lives.

Anne Rice (“Interview with the Vampire”) is interviewed by son Christopher Rice at International Thriller Fest.
On Friday, attended the interview of Anne Rice (“Interview with the Vampire”) by her son Christopher Rice.

Author Jon Land (“Pandora’s Temple”) prepares to moderate a panel on “the hybrid author.”
Also attended Jon Land’s moderating of a panel on hybrid authors (i.e., those who both self-publish and publish through traditional channels).

Lunt-Fontanne Theater, “Motown: The Musical.”
Friday night: play tickets to “Motown: the Musical,” which was great! I highly recommend it! Walked back to the hotel, since it was raining and I couldn’t get a cab. Took a rickshaw-like pedicab to the 8 p.m. opening. The pedicab guy charged $3 a minute. It took 15 minutes, but he overcharged me for 20 minutes. Was in no position to argue, with only 6 minutes until showtime.

Frank Geary-designed building along the New York City Skyline.
To airport on Saturday and flew out, only to find the plane circling the airport for a long time when a fire alarm went off in the Control Tower. Son Scott was waiting for a while, but, ultimately, picked me up and we went back to his house for a late-evening barbecue.
A productive three days, but not without the frustrations travel can bring.