I left Chicago’s Midway Airport bound for New Orleans about 3 p.m. today, Wednesday, December 12th.I took a seat in the third row from the front. My seatmate, who had nailed down the aisle seat, was an elderly lady with a cane, who did not seem happy about having a seatmate, even though we had an empty seat between us. (I was merely looking for space in the overhead bins). We also had a dog onboard (!) yapping in his or her cage.
Arrived at the New Orleans Airport near Rush Hour. All I can say is that the New Orleans airport has a lot in common with LaGuardia, if you’ve ever flown from it.Now, I’m at the Hotel Monteleone in the French Quarter, and spent some time in the bar making friends with the locals.The gentlemen in the top hat, John Smith, is a card trick and Elvis impersonator who is having his birthday tomorrow. A native of Colorado, he was a dealer in Vegas for many years downtown and also began his Elvis impersonating there. He moved to New Orleans and is scheduled to sing at the Hard Rock Cafe (as Elvis) in January. John has also had bit parts in several films, including the recent “Looper” and the most distant film with Kevin Costner dressed as an Elvis impersonator involved in robbing a casino.I spoke with a couple from Chicago introduced to me by “Bernie” who is pictured here with her girlfriends. Bernie also introduced me to ANOTHER couple, also from Chicago, and when he said his last name was Stompanato, I had to ask. Yes, Johnny Stomapanato (Lana Turner’s ill-fated boyfriend) WAS a relative.The young couple pictured here, Anita Shah and Mike Dapolo, were on vacation..maybe even their honeymoon, although that may well be a different couple. People kept sitting down and then drifting off and they were from Idaho and elsewhere.Finally, here is one of me, ready to go forth and do something worthwhile, in front of the gorgeous Christmas trees.