It was reported in the Chicago Tribune on Thursday, May 26, that a film about Sarah Palin entitled “The Undefeated” is going to be screened first in Iowa. The Hawkeye state already has a reputation for all things corny, as I well know (being a native), so this seems appropriate.

It seems even more apropos should the Palin person decide to announce she is running for President of the United States. After all, if Donald Trump can (and Pat Paulsen before him), why not Sarah Palin? Why else make a movie about a woman who didn’t even finish out her full term a Governor of Alaska and is now reported to be buying real estate in Arizona?

The film is a 2-hour documentary financed by conservative filmmaker Stephen Bannon. With $1 million and Palin’s help and permission, footage has been obtained (and included) of Ms Palin’s time as a member of the Wasilla City Council. (It was not reported if there was film of her resigning her office as Governor mid-way through her term.)

Besides giving me a “heads up” that I must make it a point to catch this no-doubt Oscar-worthy and eminently objective movie, it set off political pundits at the Tribune to the point that an entire article was devoted to possible alternative titles (tongue-in-cheek). They ran in the Sunday, May 29, 2011 Chicago Tribune, and, quite frankly, they are too good to keep under wraps. Some appeared on various blogs, but I have added quite a few original titles of my own:

Possible Alternative Titles for the Film about Sarah Palin’s Illustrious Political Career:

“All About Sarah”

“Dark Victory”

“Forgetting Sarah Palin”


“To Kill and Field Dress A Mockingbird”

“Children of a Lesser Todd”

“Children of the Corn Meet Children of the Candidate”

“The Devil Wears Mukluks”

“In What Respect, Charlie Brown?”

“I Can See Russia from my Seat Ringside at ‘Dancing with the Stars’”

“Citizen Vain”

“There Will Be Blood Libel”

“Kiss of the Snider Woman”

“Blazing Prattle”

“South from Alaska”

“Desperately Seeking Syntax”

“From Within Sight of Russia, With Love”

“The Todd Also Rises”

“Mama Grizzly, Dearest”

“Birthers of a Nation”

“Must Hate Wolves”

“Motorcycle Mama”

“Driving Miss Dizzy”

“Death Panel Becomes Her”

“Honey! I Exploited the Kids!”

“No Country for Newspaper Reading Sissies”

“Close Encounters of the Third-Rate Kind”

“Nightmare on Elk Street”

“Belfries Are Ringing”

“The Dumb Luck Club”

“I Know That You Quit Last Summer”

“Gone Is the Win”

“Dancing Toward the Dark”

“When Sarah Met Romney”

“The Shawshank Refudiation”

“Fear and Loathing in Des Moines”

Add your own potential title for the new Sarah Palin movie below.


Copyright 2011 by Connie Wilson