The inimitable host of H.Q. trivia, Scott Rogowsky, hit SXSW in Austin, to conduct a first-ever “live” version of H.Q. on Sunday, March 11th at 90 Rainey Street in Austin Texas at 4:15 p.m.
An avid player, I made certain to get in to the small bar, where we were given tickets good for 2 free drinks. I nailed down a seat right in front of a large-screen TV to watch Bohannon (of Iowa) take his final shot against Nebraska which was blocked in overtime, resulting in a 93-91 loss.
Over 2,500 of us were playing, after we entered in a special “code” that was handed out on site. (You had to be there to win).

Scott Rogowski, Host of H.Q. Trivia, “live” in Austin at SXSW. (Photo by Connie Wilson).

Scott Rogowski, “live” from SXSW at 4:15 p.m. on March 10, 2019. (Photo by Connie Wilson).

Scott Rogowski congratulates one of the 72 winners of the $10,000 prize on March 10, 2019 at SXSW in Austin. (Photo by Connie Wilson).

Scott Rogowski, host, and one (of 72) winners of the first-ever “live” game of H.Q. in Austin, Texas at SXSW on March 10 at 4:15 p.m. CDT. (Photo by Connie Wilson).
The prize money was $10,000 for answering 12 questions in 10 seconds or less, per question. Having just attained Level 7 during the season that ended on February 28th, I was feeling pretty lucky—but, then, I’ve never won (although I won The Cash Show 7 times and then they folded and never paid me my $20!)
As always, the first three questions were the easy ones. (Q1: Where is SXSW held? A1: Austin, Texas. Q2: What song did Phoebe on “Friends sing to her cat? A2: Smelly Cat. Q3: What did the soup Nazi on “Seinfeld” yell at his customers on occasion? A3: “No soup for you!”
Then, things got interesting. And difficult.
Had I known there would be a question about which chef had not been a judge on a cooking show, I would have paid more attention when trapped in the nail shop in Chicago where that is all they ever have on TV. Or, I would have phoned a friend. And who knows what the MS in MSNBC stands for?
The rest were right up my alley. Q6: What famous actress does George have a date with on “Seinfeld?” A6: Marisa Tomei, of course.
Q7: Which Saturday Night Live performer has amassed the longest tenure?
A7: Kennan Thompson
Q8: Which one of “The Office” cast members was not in its first episode, Jan, Kevin or Andy Bernard?
A8: Andy Bernard, of course. By this time, 566 were still in the game.
Q9: In the mid 70s which one of these acts appeared on the first “Saturday Night Live”: Paul Simon, Billy Preston or the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band? I KNEW this was Billy Preston, but only 183 others did. (Most said Paul Simon, who got 328 votes and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band got 56.)
That one was declared a “savage” question and I temporarily forgot to write down what was asked next, but I can tell you that the final question, with 943 competitors in attendance, was: “Which of these shows did not appear on NBC: Today, Tomorrow or Late Show?” I was positive it would be the Late Show, and it was—although my 2 much younger seat mates were not in agreement.
Seventy-two winners split the prize (one is pictured with Scott Rogowski, the host) and took home $138.89 apiece.
Carry on, Garth.